nix, no the other one

I first looked at nix back in 2016 when snap forced me to use a macbook. At the time, I was just looking for a package manager, and it was a hard sell, much harder than the linux laptop that followed a few months later. As such, it was five years before I picked it back up, and I regret not giving it the time back then.

I guess this is also a goodbye letter to archlinux, as I have moved my personal systems over to nixos earlier this year, but I mostly wanted to show off how I moved this blog over. Which seems to be the only thing I can remember to actually publish here.

Most of the leg work for nixos was already done, and props to the sourcehut community therein. As well, I will push you to Xe for a wonderful flakes intro, as doing that here is more than out of scope.

My effort was largely about transferring logic currently in .build.yml into flake.nix. The first thing of note is that I use flake-utils to flatten all of the entries in the outputs function’s attrset. This does not change the meaning of anything, just means that if you see or, know that this maps onto devShells.${system}.foo or

This seemed like a great time to add linting and formatting, since that is new and easier than build or deploy. Formatting is invoked by the nix fmt command and one must add something like this to the formatter entry of the attrset returned by the outputs function:

Note that pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;.

  formatter = pkgs.alejandra;

I generally prefer to use nix fmt to fixup the whole repo, thus we need a script that invokes several binaries, and pkgs.writeShellApplication works well for this:

  formatter = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
    name = "fmt";
    runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [
    text = ''
      alejandra --quiet .
      statix fix
      prettier --loglevel error --write .

You will also note that because we are using runtimeInputs and can call these tools directly as opposed to needing to inject their absolute paths: ${pkgs.statix}/bin/statix. While I do find this ergonomic, it is mostly done so that we have a single list of dependencies that we can reuse later.

Linting will then be our first foray into derivations. Since formatting is mutable, it can just be a script, but checks must be derivations because they are building and validating things. Like formatter they live in the outputs function under checks, however as the name implies you can have multiple checks per flake, unlike formatter for which there is only one.

  checks.default = pkgs.runCommandLocal "check" {
    buildInputs = [pkgs.alejandra];
  } ''
    alejandra --check ${self} && touch $out

Here we are using pkgs.runCommandLocal to execute a command as part of building a derivation. Now, checks are funny, since they must be derivations, but they also do not really produce a meaningful artefact, just the lack of an error. As such, we run our linter in check mode and if it succeeds we create an empty artefact. This is not terribly ergonomic, especially when we need three linters, so let us first break out our runtimeInputs from before in our outputs function:

  doCheck = name: text: pkgs.runCommandLocal name {
    nativeBuildInputs = checkInputs;
  } ''
    cd ${self}
    ${name} ${text} .
    touch $out
  checkInputs = [
in {
  checks = builtins.mapAttrs doCheck {
    alejandra = "--check";
    statix = "check";
    prettier = "--check";

With that out of the way, and your interests piqued, let us move onto the main afair: packaging. As the name implies, we will be adding to the packages entry in our attrset. I opted to keep the nix code as simple as possible, both so that we can reproduce failures without nix, and because doing everything in nix gets messy fast. As such, we have added a Makefile that contains all and install targets.

DEST ?= "site.tar.gz"

all: public

install: public
        tar --create --directory public --file $(DEST) --gzip --verbose .


These replace the build and package tasks from .build.yml, and contain sane defaults that use the current directory as input and output, reusing the same filenames as before. This lead to a simple as derivation:

  packages.default = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "site.tar.gz";
    src = self;
    dontConfigure = true;
    nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
    makeFlags = ["DEST=$(out)"];

Unfortunately, some of the limitations of flakes started to rear their heads. In our case, we have been using hugo’s enableGitInfo feature. This gives all pages a cute link to git source. This feature requires we shellout to git for information. In the before times, this was automatic, since .git just happened to be there, and what self respecting ci tooling does not ship with the git binary accessable?

Nix requires everything be explicit, so this did not “just work”. The easiest option would just be to disable this feature, but I opted to mock git’s responses so as to preserve the link. It is probably quite flaky, but as long as our dependencies are pinned, it is guaranteed not to break.

Finally, we need to deploy out this artefact, .build.yml’s deploy task for those following along at home. I opted to add an entry to apps and trigger it with nix run .#deploy:

  apps.deploy = let
      name = "deploy";
  in {
    type = "app";
    program = "${pkgs.writeShellApplication {
      inherit name runtimeInputs;
      text = ''
        hut pages publish ${self.packages.${sys}.default} \
          --domain \
          --not-found /404.html

These entries are derivations with binaries, similar to formatter, and because we need to do custom things, I once again lean on pkgs.writeShellApplication. You will also notice we back reference self.packages, this is a way to reference another element of the outputs function’s attrset, and in this case we want packages.default as defined above. Unfortunately, flake-utils cannot save us here, thus we must use the fully qualified self.packages.${sys}.default reference, where sys is being populated by flake-utils.

And with that we have a running website. Unfortunately, developing against flakes like this is a non-starter, unless you always write code without bugs. As such, we have one final step: devShells. These are the way flakes expose a shell environment setup with all your tools: nix develop. They are a killer feature of nix, and I would have lead with them, but I wanted you to see all the various places we added tooling so you could now understand why I prefered to share and inject nativeBuildInputs and runtimeInputs.

  checkInputs = with pkgs; [
  nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
  runtimeInputs = [pkgs.hut];
in {
  devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
    packages = checkInputs ++ nativeBuildInputs ++ runtimeInputs;

Yep, it is that easy. I did leave off the other consumers for these three values, but this way if we add a new linter, we can guarantee that if it works in nix flake check it is also included in nix develop. Sorry for how long this has been, but flakes can be tricky, and I appreciate you making it to the end. As a reward, here is the full flake, warts and all:

  description = "personal website";
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
  outputs = {
    flake-utils.lib.eachSystem [flake-utils.lib.system.x86_64-linux] (sys: let
      checkInputs = with pkgs; [
      doCheck = name: text:
        pkgs.runCommandLocal name {
          nativeBuildInputs = checkInputs;
        } "cd ${self} && ${name} ${text} . && touch $out";
      git = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "git" ''
        case $1 in
          printf '\n'
          printf '\x1e${self.rev or ".."}'
          printf '\x1f${self.shortRev or "dirty"}'
          printf '\x1f\x1fColin Arnott'
          printf '\'
          printf '\x1f1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000'
          printf '\x1f1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000'
          printf '\n'
          find ${self} -type f -printf '%P\n'
          exit 1
      hugo = pkgs.symlinkJoin {
        name = with pkgs.hugo; "${pname}-${version}";
        paths = [pkgs.hugo];
        nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.makeWrapper];
        postBuild = ''
          wrapProgram $out/bin/hugo --prefix PATH : ${
            pkgs.lib.makeBinPath [git]
      nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${sys};
      runtimeInputs = [pkgs.hut];
    in {
      apps.deploy = let
        name = "deploy";
      in {
        type = "app";
        program = "${pkgs.writeShellApplication {
          inherit name runtimeInputs;
          text = ''
            hut pages publish ${self.packages.${sys}.default} \
              --domain \
              --not-found /404.html
      checks = builtins.mapAttrs doCheck {
        alejandra = "--check";
        statix = "check";
        prettier = "--check";
      devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
        packages = checkInputs ++ nativeBuildInputs ++ runtimeInputs;
      formatter = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
        name = "fmt";
        runtimeInputs = checkInputs;
        text = ''
          alejandra --quiet .
          statix fix
          prettier --loglevel error --write .
      packages.default = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
        name = "site.tar.gz";
        src = self;
        dontConfigure = true;
        inherit nativeBuildInputs;
        makeFlags = ["DEST=$(out)"];

See also